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Big Joe, for those of you that have not heard about him
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[font "Calibri"][quote FishingLunatic]Growing up and getting to know several of my family members who all lived to be very old old and who served in the Special Ops, the Marines, and Navy, it is so disappointing to see how unopen minded and bitter you are. I think just by the way you talk, anyone who reads our conversation knows what type of person you are. [/quote][/font][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]You finally got something right; the folks on here and all the other website forums I visit daily know without a shadow of a doubt what type of person I am and what I believe and where I stand with regard to politics. I get PM’s weekly thanking me for my insight, my willingness to help others, and my civility (MOST of the time) when expressing an alternate opinion. I have let the civility slide on occasion when dealing with complete jackholes. As to being open minded, I’m always eager to increase my knowledge or change my viewpoint when given FACTS about any given subject. I have openly stated on here that I was wrong when I have been shown to be wrong based on FACTS presented by somebody else. I’d be very surprised if you could find one person who has met me face-to-face that would categorize me as a ‘bitter’ person.[/#800000][/font]
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[font "Calibri"][quote FishingLunatic]You're not going to make me feel bad about myself or what I've accomplished so far at 23 years old. I'm proud of working while going to school and graduating in the top 15% of my class. I'm proud of the work I've done so far and look forward to my long future career. [/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]I never intended to make you feel bad about yourself. What I intended to do was let you know that you are not yet politically wise enough to enter any kind of in-depth political discussions using only your passion and emotions. I was well into my 30s before I had a clue about what politics was all about on anything other than local issues. State, national, and world politics was a complete fog until my late 30s when it started to become clear for me. And the same was true for just about everybody I grew up with and those I met in my military service career. Based on your posts in the political arena thus far, I can tell that you haven’t even come close to understanding politics yet. It would very wise of you to just keep your mouth shut and listen & learn when it comes to politics. You really are just a kid in this area.[/#800000][/font][/font]
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[font "Calibri"][quote FishingLunatic] As for all of your "quotes" thank you for sharing outdated old information or opinions, or that are from organizations with alterior motives. [/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Now that’s funny right there. I show you documented proof of quotes from a national, Democrap, anti-gun organization that has been around for decades; A Democrap Senator who was held that office for 25 years; and none other than a Democrap President of the United States – all saying that the ultimate goal of the Democraps is to ban ALL firearms. And that’s the best response you’ve got? Really? You are in denial kid.[/#800000][/font][/font]
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[font "Calibri"][quote FishingLunatic] That's it I'm to say and respond to. I really hope you become less bitter and more happy in your last days. [/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Rest assured kid, I am anything but bitter. We finally have a President that says what he means and means what he says. He has already, in just one week, begun to drain the swamp in Washington, D.C. Sanctuary cities have already begun to see the light and are beginning to fold (Miami-Dade just today). The DOW went over 20,000 based on the fact that our economy is going to finally heal itself because companies and the accompanying jobs they represent are or will be returning to the USA. Life is good kid; and it’s looking better every day. I am over joyed at the prospects that President Trump is actually going to make America great again.[/#800000][/font][/font]
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Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."

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Re: [FishingLunatic] Big Joe, for those of you that have not heard about him - by dubob - 01-27-2017, 02:44 PM

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