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tax breaks were given, "to the oil companies"

I agree that tax encentives directed twards the development of alternate fuels for general transprotation by state and federal governments would be all that was needed along with the removel of tax encentives to the rest of the develoment of oil guzeling vehicals is all that would be needed to make it happen...

unfortunatly, oil had a political strangle hold on out governments and automotive industry world wide... Oil has a guarnteed proffet pact with our government along with natural gass and electricity...

think of all the oil spills that can be eleminated by swithcing form crude to soibean deasle fuel to supply freight industry.

Sadly enough as I type this, I am seeing a hummer add on the tv for hummers 133.oo per month financing...

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Re: [gdn443] SOBER ASSESSMENT OF OUR CURRENT POLITICAL SITUATION - by davetclown - 11-20-2007, 12:31 PM

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