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the Sad part is, we are buying our own oil, but what most people dont know is our government has allowed oil companies to put the oil on the world market and buy it back from them selves at out ragous prices and passing the gouging on to consumers...

Our government gave oil companies garenteed proffit margens if they did not put our oil on the world market, but some where along the line the government has changed the rules of the game and allowed them to put it on the world market with guarenteed proffit margens...

when there is an oil spill and the oil companies have to clean it up, the get paid to clean it up... no losses, there for no insentives to do the job right in the first place....[unsure]

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Re: [gdn443] SOBER ASSESSMENT OF OUR CURRENT POLITICAL SITUATION - by davetclown - 11-20-2007, 10:45 PM

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