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[size 1]I will answer the question, I have ideals on the subject...[Tongue][/size]
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[size 1]North Korea lacks two things that would drive military action by any nation, it dose not have resorces nor political influeance....[/size]
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[size 1]True North Korea has agreed to drop its nuke program in trade for medical and food supplies....[/size]
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[size 1]North Korea wanted in the war, because they know that if they got in to the war, it would be included in the rebuilding program that follows the end of the devistation inflicted on its own people just like the last time military action was used.... same deal for vietnam.. japan, france, germany and every other country we have taken military action in... [/size]
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[size 1]ya see it is so much cheeper to blow every thing up and demand retrobution than it is to rebuild every thing and have to pick up and relay failing infristructures....[/size]
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[size 1]in the city of detroit the infristructure is failing much like the rest of the world, and like the rest of the world the city has taken the proffits and spent it elsewhere insted of re-envesting in to renewing its failing infrastructure... "sewers, power suplie, water" [/size]
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[size 1]my best example is the electric feed coming in to my house was over 70 years old, the wires were bare, my electirc supply company would not place new line untill I built a new house or the line failed, It finaly failed, they came out and replaced only half of the line coming in....[crazy][/size]
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[size 1]point is, when we use military action to tear down and rebuild aging and failing infrastructures it sends the wrong message around the world... poeple get antcy when they are as Confused as the people living there and the millitary servents who are doing the demalations.... [/size]
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[size 1]we are hated along with the rest of the worlds nations with resorces who have cornered the world markets... this leaves 2/3's of the worlds population to go with out even the basics like clean water and food.[/size]
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[size 1]I understand the problems of the world, unfortunatly our world leaders do not or they are so much wrapped in to them selves or they have become delusional by the influences of mega conglomerants of the world...[/size]
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[size 1]I will say this again, there is as much need for the seperation of commerce and state as there is the need for the seperaton in church and state, for the same reasons.[/size]
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[size 1]If we are going to have a global economy, then we need a global government that can over see this because our local governments of the world only have the best intrest for who ever is paying the political contributions.... If we dont, some one is always going to get hurt, some one is alway going to be pissed off and others are only going to be Confused as to what is realy going on and will act out of fear.... just as Iran's leaders are.... Korea's leaders understand and so they can be dealt with on the barganing table, the rest of the world as they become developed they too will want a peice of the pie, and frankly there is not enough pie to go around because the world has over populated it self.... [/size]
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[size 1]We either need to come up with a new kind of pie, or we need to educate and reduce population levels around the world to the point that each nation can feed its own people.... there is only one other option, WWIII...[/size]
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[size 1]proplem is no national leader or power conglomerant wants to give up its status.... "so therefore the seven heads of the of the beast of epocolips will continue to be fed" "Greed" "Pride" "Ignorance" "Poverty" "Insanity" "Errogance" "Hatetred"[/size]
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[size 1]I was looking at solar energy systems just yesterday, the best unit I could find would only supply 30% of my yearly consumption of electricity at a cost that I could not recover in 100 years. The unit coat 10,000.oo, my monthly dollar savings would be about 12.oo per month... " the site I was looking at has a calculator program that will tell you the amount of savings per month in both power usage and dollars spent, it includes US insentives provided by the government...[/size]
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[size 1]Quite frankly, one would have to be a millionare to do the concinnable thing by conserving and attempting to use an alternative energy resorce..[/size]
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[size 1]the materials to build the solar equipment only cost a few hundred dollars, yet the price is so outragous we are trapped in to useing what our local power suppliers give us... yet if you live in a third world country the same unit being built here cost only pennies on the dollar...?[/size]
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[size 1]wouldnt it make more sence to reduce the consumption of fossil fules in the nations where it is used the most?[/size]
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[size 1]wouldnt it make more sence to have every new structure in the world mandated to include a solor energy system in its construction? emigin the energy savings a 200 story building can produce.. imagine the jobs it would create.. Imagine the stimilating effect it would have on the economy. yes there would be a lesser demand on fossil fuels, but not a complete withdrawal of the demand...[/size]
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[size 1]we are getting better, but crippelingly so. meaning for every step froward we are taking a step backwards...[/size]
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[size 1]every single building and every single vehical in the world needs to have reduced resorce counumption components included in its constructioin and manufacturing, and it wont be untill all our governments from local to world leaders understand this will we be able to crawl out of this funk we are in...[/size]
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[size 1]it would seem that I have gone off topic here, truth is, this is the topic, war is the result of not dealing with the topic "issues"[/size]
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[size 1]the problem is we think of our economy as dollars, we dont think of our economy as resorce, reduce the useage of a resorce you reduce the demand for that resorce then you in effect reduce the cost of the resorce when you reduce the profetability of the resorce you reduce the ability of nations capitol to build arms munitions and nucular ficilities when the demand for the use of resorces is cut you effectively eliminate the ability of war mongering nations to comit war. "If the rule of supply and demand holds true"[/size]

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Re: [Flycasting] SOBER ASSESSMENT OF OUR CURRENT POLITICAL SITUATION - by davetclown - 12-02-2007, 06:48 PM

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