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Michigan Primary today...
most every body is votin absentee these days,

I just got back to bites ago... "doggie bites...LOL"

I am not ashamed to say I voted for Romney, any demecrat vote at all goes to clinton, even if you vote uncomited...

romneys dad did a lot for michigans hunting, fishing, and tourism industry when he was in office, the way I see it, if this romney is half the man as his daddie wasm we are in for an up swing.. bouy would it be nice to see michigan out of the 35 year resession...

I liked that ron paul guy, but I just cant see him on a national venue... altho he would make an exclient running mate... ron Paul actualy came to my house, bouy was I suprized...... I never expected that.... maybe I should have, since Ron Paul has his banners all over the neighbor hood...

Messages In This Thread
Michigan Primary today... - by davetclown - 01-15-2008, 08:43 AM
Re: [Jaackrabbit] Michigan Primary today... - by davetclown - 01-15-2008, 11:44 PM

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