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Website created by Border Patrol Agency
[url ""][/url]

The above site is created for voters concerned about President Bush's proposal to allow millions of illegals here now to work and get other services.

Prop 187 was passed by California voters and was locked up in court battles by Hispanic Legal groups. Remember this voted on and passed but never was allowed to go into effect because of an injunction.

Now the Governator of Calif is purposing a new Prop 187 but then Bush is trying to pass his proposal which will cause the unemployment rate to double amoung citizens and violates constitutional law prohibiting invasion and will also hurt the chances of the new calif proposition before it's even voted on.

Anyway this site allows you to send an e-mail to President and your local Congressman with your opinions.

** I am not a racist, I would like to say that first. I have no issues with non anglo-americans. I simply feel with all the goings on in this country we need accountability of who enters this country and works and lives here. And we need to make sure they are paying taxes,etc

Also by these immigrant workers taking the minimum wage jobs or other jobs that would normally pay $10 for $6.00 they will kill our economy.

I feel Bush is trying to get Latino vote and I am not alone. I feel he is shooting himself in the foot and this will cost him the election.

Please check out site and make your own opinion.

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Website created by Border Patrol Agency - by releaseit - 01-23-2004, 06:08 PM

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