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Ambassadeur XLT 1 magnetic brake question.
Thanks [url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=tubeN2"]tubeN2[/url],

It's been years since I've used that reel much. That adjustment has only slight control and can be hard to tell which way it is working.

As I get the centrifugal brake adjusted properly, the magnetic brake has a more noticeable effect. And, as you say, it appears to be righty-tighty and lefty-loosey.

I'm getting the feel of the reel again and using my thumb more and more. Still, I'm impressed with the fine control of the magnetic brake.

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Re: [tubeN2] Ambassadeur XLT 1 magnetic brake question. - by harryhh - 07-10-2016, 04:28 PM

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