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Crowded Willard
With regards to the post about the stocking reports, along with the fact that the wipers are sterile, doesn't that make Willard a put and take fishing hole? If so what is the harm in sharing info on how to catch em? Usually when people say I am not selfish or I am not this or that followed by a "but" the former is usually exactly what they are--with all due respect. So "Tell me but don't tell anyone else" should have been the title of your post--with all due respect.
Those million walleye fry are going to change the wiper plan in 2-4 years. No way you'll be able to dump even a quarter million fry in there with 12 inch walleye and expect a workable survival rate. I would imagine they'll be putting something non-sterile in there with the walleye.
I am unsure that even 1 cent of State Park entrance fees go's to restocking Willard or any place else. Maybe new trucks or harassment folks stationed at every corner, BUT not restocking .
Guess others are unable to manage a freezer as well as you. Maybe let that go.
I think one of my favorite sayings might apply here: You aren't stuck in traffic; you are traffic!
Without a picture it surely can't be true, no picture's for the Trollers I guess!
I hope everyone else here shares my opinion concerning throwing fish away after a year or two in the freezer. It is classed as 'wanton waste' of wildlife.
It is absolutely no different than wasting big game, upland game, or waterfowl.
It IS stealing from me and other sportsman.
Are you saying it does not bother you?
I will never let it go.
[quote Jedidiah]So I was going through the fish stocking reports, sorting by different values and making judgments about where to fish this year based on previous years stocking. This thread didn't come to mind until I saw Willard at the top of the quantity sort every year since 2012. 200,000 wiper fry and 30,000-60,000 fingerlings every year is a LOT of fish. Last year it was 370,000 wiper minnows, not to mention almost a million walleye fry.
That might seem like a lot of fish being stocked in Willard but when you consider the survival rate for fish stocked that small, is only 1 to 4% that cuts those numbers way down.

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